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Your New Kitten
Here are some general guidelines to the care of your new cat or kitten, to help it live a happy, healthy life.
Your pet should be vaccinated routinely against diseases, which can cause serious illness and even death. Such diseases include feline leukaemia, cat flu, FIV. These are contagious diseases which are common in both wild and domestic cats so vaccination is vital to ensure your pets protection. Vaccination can be started at any age, but it is important to start as early as possible. All vaccinations should be given on this date every year throughout your cats life.
1st Vaccination 8 weeks of age
2nd Vaccination 12 weeks of age
It is important to feed a high quality food, preferably dry food, suitable for your pets life stage (kitten, adult, senior).
This will help maintain a shiny, healthy coat, healthy teeth and gums, healthy body weight and as a result reduces the risk of illness throughout their life. Fresh water should be available at all times.
Cats can be fed cat nip or a specialised diet (such as Royal Canin Feline Hair) to reduce hairball formation.
Never feed your cat a vegetarian diet as they require a mineral found in meat, called taurine, which cannot be produced from any other food by cats,
Never feed fish or meat with bones, as this may cause them to choke, or becomes lodged in their throat, or ever penetrate the stomach.
These parasites can live on or in your pets skin and ears, causing severe irritation and discomfort to your pet. When treating your pet for fleas it is important to also treat the environment the pet lives in with flea killer spray as the flea spends most of its life cycle in the environment sand not on your pet. A spot-on treatment for the back of the neck is available. This gives protection form the fleas for a month. Cat fleas commonly bite humans, if no other host is available when they're hungry.
Your pet is born with worms, even if the mother is fully wormed! It is important to worm your kittens every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age, then every 3 months throughout its life. There are over 12 different types of worms that can live in your pet, and range in size from 5mm to 5 meters!
Children are particularly at risk of contracting roundworms from the pet, which are spread in the saliva and faeces. Carefully hand washing is import after handling the pets or playing in areas where the pets have been. Wormers can be bought and are available in tablet, and spot-on forms.
Neutering your cat is highly recommended, if you don't want a litter of kittens. Neutering can prevent cancers such as uterine cancer and reduce mammary cancers, neutering also prevents the cat coming into heat, so reduces stress, roaming, and helps reduce the spread of viral disease. Neutering can be performed when the cat is 5 months of age for males and 6 months of age for females.
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